The Practicalities of Troll Knoll
We hope that you will enjoy our website and all the photos, articles and videos. Also, the book about Troll Knoll is available if you want us to send it to you.
Please keep in mind, that this is a private, personal garden, but we still want to share in the joy and wonder of what we have created along with our friend, Mother Nature. We are excited to answer any questions about the garden and book. Do ask about the garden and structures or other civil questions. We welcome the interaction... That is the reason we ask that the book be read. An ebook is a modest cost from Amazon, B & N and other major booksellers. An advantage is the ability to enlarge the pictures. Personally we like the hardcover version. It is also available at a number of local libraries. Some folks actually like to see how we do things.
Troll Knoll is a garden with our home in it.
We should probably mention that there are more than twenty other structures beside the home and several miles of walks and paths at Troll Knoll that the Troll couple take care of as part of the garden…